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Top 5 cat breeds and their distinct characteristics

When it comes to domesticating pets for companionship, many people prefer dogs to cats. Dogs might perhaps claim the title of “man’s best friend”, but cats are no less playful, friendly and obedient pets. Everyone who owns a cat knows how amicable, neighborly and matey the cats are to human!

Just like dogs come in many breeds, cats too have 41 recognized breeds (typically characterized by their physique, color, size and nature). Considering to domesticate a cat? A research pertaining to different cat breeds will help you find the best for your family. However, if your search yields no result, go through this article to make an informed decision. This write-up contains a list of top 5 cat breeds, which is as follows:

  1. Persian – An elegant and even-tempered cat, the Persian is a long-haired cat breed typically featuring a round face and a short muzzle. These cats exist in many colors, including White, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Blue, Black, Silver, Lilac, Cameo and Brown. The first documented ancestors of the Persian cat were found in Persia, which were then imported to Europe around 1620. Since they have svelte body type and a long coat, an extensive amount of grooming is required to raise them properly. Age can be from 8 to 11 years.
  2. Maine Coon – The Maine Coon is the world’s largest domesticated cat breed. No documents about Coons’ origin are available – there are just speculations and folk tales around. This cat breed features a long coat, and requires a moderate amount of care and grooming. When compared to other cats, the Maine Coon is a relatively less active cat. Typically characterized by a rectangular body shape, a robust bone structure, a silky coat and a long, bushy tail, Maine coons are the largest-sized cats around. For their sociable nature and large size, they have got a nickname, “the gentle giant”.
  3. Exotic Shorthair Exotic Shorthairs are similar to the Persian, but have a short-haired coat. They fall under large-sized cat breeds, and feature a cobby body and a short, dense coat. They don’t require much grooming. Their physical characteristics include; Oval skull with rounded forehead; full cheeks with round muzzle; broad nose; small, rounded year surrounded with hair; large round eyes featuring pure deep color; strong, thick neck; and short, thick tail.
  4. Siamese – Siamese is amongst the most distinctively recognized Asian cat breed. They find their origin in Thailand, but are bred extensively in almost all parts of the world. The Siamese is a medium-sized cat with a svelte body type. The coat is relatively short, which requires a minimal amount of grooming. These cats are considered to be very affectionate, sociable and intelligent.
  5. Ragdoll – A large cat, laid-back cat, the Ragdoll is characterized by a semi long-haired coat and captivating blue eyes. It’s actually a pointed cat breed, meaning that the body color is lighter than the points on the face, tail, legs, and years. At maturity, they can weigh from 10 to20 pounds, depending on gender. However, their growth rate is slower than other cats. Ragdolls require minimal care and grooming.
Author’s bio- The author of this article is an avid writer. In this write-up, the author has explained about cats and their different breeds.

The help of pet's seller and buyer...., How to help of pets seller, buyer, traders or pet's lover through the advertise and market your livestocks with classified website for pets and animals..

With growing livestock demand, classified websites for pets and animals have come up with easier, smarter and less expensive ways to help small livestock farmers market and sell their products. Over the past couple of years, livestock farmers, too, have become ever more reliant on these sites to meet up with their own as well as the market requirements.

In today’s competitive environment, it’s difficult to succeed without accessing the target market. Your sustainability in the marketplace entirely depends on the way you market your products and the way you deal with your existing customers. If you are a small livestock farmer looking to expand your biz or line of work, you can market your products the same way as other businesses do. To be on the same page, this relates to online livestock marketing through classified websites for pets and animals. Apart from just advertising livestock, these classified websites help small livestock farmers across the globe through extending technical and asset building support under many programs and projects.

Making your potential customers or buyers aware of your existence in the market is the key to success. Irrespective of the type and the size of business you deal in, success remains almost a struggle if you don’t have an access to the target market. Luckily, more and more affordable and accessible channels are available today to help you introduce yourself with what you produce or sell. Are you engaged in selling pets and animals, if so here’s what you can do to make your presence feel in the marketplace with minimal possible efforts and expenses? The most tentative and practical way to portray your virtual presence in the marketplace is to register with a non-profit classified website for pets and animal. Advertising or branding livestock throughclassified websites serves dual purposes; expands your line of work keeping you connected to the customers, and gets you more profits as a result of increased sales.

If approaching the livestock buyers is a hurdle, why not look for a non-profit classified website for pets and animal ? This could be one of many ways to keep you connected to the customers. On a classified website for pets and animals, sellers can sell what’s salable and buyers can access what’s available for sale. To put it in simpler terms, it brings both livestock sellers and buyers to an integrated platform for exchange of pets and animals, such as goats, sheep, backyard birds, dogs, etc.

Know Why You Need A Dog In Home

Before you intend to domesticatea dog, it’s worth answering the question, “Why do you need a dog in home”? Dogs are widely bred in homes for added security and protection against theft. However, when defining their specific roles in homes, there are many. They safeguard our homes, and become children’s playmates. Also, they can be our best walking companion during morning or evening walk. People with small families can breed them to remove their loneliness. When trained, they can be used to accomplish many tasks that human can’t do. Apart from this, dogs can prove to be a useful animal on secret missions, police investigations and army operations. With so many roles, dogs remain in great demand among home owners, army officials and private detectives.

Many people raise dogs to improve their social status. There are also people who entirely depend on dogs to safeguard their homes. Known to be as “man’s best friend”, dogs are wise, active and above all a faithful animal. Their unique sensory ability makes them the best pets on the earth to be domesticated. Moreover, they have an obedient and friendly nature, which makes them the best playmate and companion.

We often come across situations when we have no one at home. Leaving our home alone with no one to keep an eye on can be risky. If protection against theft is of paramount concern, domesticating a dog is one of many ways to prevent such mishaps. Today, most people breed dogs to keep their homes safe against theft. Those who have a dog treat it as their family member, and not as an animal.

Dogs have many breeds, and each breed has unique nature, physique and attributes. That’s what raises the need of being extra selective about the dogs and their breeds. Before you choose to buy one, consider why you need a dog inhome. Once the purpose of breeding a dog is clear, the selection becomes easier.

Author’s bio- Author of this is a regular writer on such sites. He has written many articles and blogs on dogs, pets and other related topics.

About Pashubajaar Classified Website for Pets

The decreased livestock sale comes as a major concern for most livestock farmers today. Other challenges the livestock farmers have to face may include failure to access the target market, and obstacle to maintain a long-term relationship with the existing customers. This often turns into reduced sales and revenues. Considering the same, Pashubajaar, a project of The Goat Trust, has come up with demystifying marketing strategies to better help small livestock farmers improve their sales and revenue profitability.

At Pashubajaar, we bring smart marketing practices into play to maximize livestock sales. Our hardcore efforts have resulted in bridging the gap between livestock farmers and the potential customers who are spanning within and/or outside India. Professionals at Pashubajaar provide ways to promote your biz through online mediums.

Despite sufficient livestock production and market expansion, many farmers fail to achieve a long clientele. One easier way to sell your livestock is to stay in touch with Pashubajaar. Pashubajaar invites livestock farmers from all across the country to share their saleable products (Goat/Sheep/Backyard Birds, etc.) with other livestock keepers, farmers and traders. This would result in increased profitability. We make every possible effort to keep livestock farmers connected to the target market. Being one of the leading market players, we sort out almost all livestock livelihood issues.

Pashubajaar aims at making small livestock farmers independent, self-reliant, educated and competent market players. We have developed an integrated platform where livestock farmers, traders and individual buyers can access what they need. No matter whether you are a small or large livestock farmer, Pashubajaar is where you can sell your livestocks at fair prices.

Obtaining sustainable and remarkable changes in sales behavior requires practicing smart and practical sales tactics. We strive to make your presence feel in the marketplace. With a clear intent to improve livestock-based livelihood, Pashubajaar promises to offer what all is needed by farmers to reap a brighter and happier tomorrow. We know that livestock farming is a critical business, especially for the poor and the small livestock keepers. It involves both the possibilities of financial gain and risk of loss. If livestock farmers need more hands to better leverage their route to the market to maximize their sales and revenues, Pashubajaar is always there to help.